
成為義工 Become a Volunteer!

每位跑手在挑戰自己的過程中,都需要很多人的協助及鼓勵去完成比賽。我們需要你! 如有興趣成為義工,歡迎於 Race the Runway HK 義工招募 登記。

As we help our runners make their journey on the beautiful runway course from the start to finish line, they will need your help in achieving their dreams. If you are interested in signing up as a volunteer, please sign up at Race the Runway HK Volunteers.

義工領袖 Volunteer Team Leader

一個成功的比賽,需要不同崗位的配合支撐。歡迎每一位享受參與活動以及具備領導才能的您,加入我們的大家庭!職責包括與大會職員保持密切的合作、及時發放所有信息、領導您的團隊以及確保您的團隊的出席情況。優先條件:對細節敏銳的觀察力、處理問題技巧以及對參賽者應對技巧。如有興趣成為義工領袖,歡迎電郵至[email protected]

With so many volunteers and so many roles/responsibilities, it is hard for one person to manage. If you are a take-charge individual and love being part of a project, this is the role for you! Duties include working closely with staff, communicating to your assigned group, ensuring all information is dispersed in a timely manner, ensuring all members of your group show up at their assigned time/location. Strong attention to detail, problem-solving and customer service are required. If you are interested in signing up as a Team Leader, please contact us at [email protected].