GENERAL 一般查詢 |
When is Race the Runway HK 2020 held? Sunday, 29 March 2020. |
Race the Runway HK 2020 什麼時候舉行? 2020年3月29日。(星期日) |
Where does the race start and finish? The race starts and finishes at Kai Tak Runway Park (Phase 1), Kowloon Bay. |
起點和終點在哪裏? 起點和終點位於九龍灣啟德跑道公園。 |
Can I take part as a volunteer for the race? Yes. If you are interested in signing up as a volunteer, please sign up at Race the Runway HK Volunteers. |
如何成為義工? 如有興趣成為義工,歡迎於 Race the Runway HK 義工招募 登記。 |
What is the weather in March in Hong Kong? Generally, the temperature in Hong Kong in March is between 22 to 26 degrees celsius. |
香港3月的天氣如何? 一般而言,香港3月的溫度約為22至26℃。 |
When will registration open? The registration will commence in January 2020. |
何時開始報名? 網上報名於2020年1月開始。 |
What forms of payment do you accept? We accept credit card payments. Cheque payment will only be available for Corporate Team. |
報名接受什麼形式的付款? 參賽者可選擇以信用卡付款。企業及團隊賽亦可選擇以支票付款。 |
When is the registration deadline? 8th March 2020. |
何時截止報名? 2020/03/08。 |
I am under 18 years of age. Do I need a Parental Consent Form? Yes. Your Parent or guardian must submit their consent during registration. |
18歲以下參賽者需要家長同意書嗎? 所有於比賽當天未滿18歲之參賽者必須得到其家長同意,並於報名時由家長或18歲以上之監護人確認〝同意聲明〞才可參賽。 |
Are all the runners entitle to compete for the awards/prizes which set for all races/categories? No. Only participants of bellowed races are entitled to compete for the awards:
所有比賽均可競逐獎項嗎? 只有下列賽事之參賽者可競逐有關獎項︰
Can I get a refund, donate my entry, transfer my entry to someone else, or roll it over to next year? No. Per our official event rules and guidelines: Sale, transfer, alteration or duplication of race entry/bib is strictly prohibited and will result in the disqualification and/or banning of any individuals involved from future events. All entry fees are non-refundable and cannot be deferred toward a future event. |
是否有退款及轉讓政策? 報名一經確認,有關報名費用將不能退回,亦不能用作參與未來其他活動。所有參賽者不能出售,或與他人轉換/轉讓組別、號碼布及計時晶片。一經證實,有關參賽者的參賽資格將被取消,以及喪失未來賽事的參賽資格。 |
How can I make a change to my registration information (i.e. misspelling, address, e-mail)? E-mail [email protected] with “Change of Information” in the subject line and a member of our staff will assist you. |
如何更改報名資料(如:更改錯別字、地址、電郵)? 請電郵至 [email protected] 與我們聯絡,標題請列明“更改資料”。 |
Can I change the T-shirt size? Size of T-shirt cannot be changed as it will be allocated according to the size you indicated on the Entry. However, there is no guarantee that your selected size will be available, T-shirt sizes given to participants will be subject to stock availability. |
我可以更改T恤尺碼嗎? T恤是根據較早前你所輸入的大小分配。尺碼僅供參考,大會並不會保證能提供參賽者所預定的T恤尺碼,所選擇尺碼將視乎存貨量而作適當分配。 |
I didn’t receive/I have deleted the payment confirmation e-mail after I registered. Can you resend it to me? Please email us at [email protected] to request a confirmation email. |
並沒有收到大會的確認電郵,可否重發給我? 如需重發確認郵件,請電郵至 [email protected] 與我們聯絡。 |
Where and when is the Race Kit Collection?
Dates & Times:
Location: Gone Running, 16/F, Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road (Wan Chai MTR A3 Exit turn left and walk 20m). |
日期 & 時間:
地點︰ 喜跑運動店 |
What do I need to bring with me in order to pick up my Race Kit? Please bring your HKID or Passport. |
需要攜帶什麼領取跑手包? 請攜帶香港身分證或護照。 |
Can a friend pick up my packet for me if I cannot attend the Race Kit Collection? Yes. You may ask a representative to pick up your race kit on your behalf. Please provide him/her a copy of your HKID/Passport (a digital copy is accepted) along with the confirmation email. |
其他人可以代替我領取跑手包嗎? 參賽者可以授權一位代表帶備參賽者的身份證/護照副本及確認電郵,代為領取跑手包。 |
Can I pick up my Race Kit on the day of the race? No. All race kits must be picked up before race day during Race Kit Collection. |
比賽當日可以領取跑手包嗎? 不可以。參賽者必須於指定日期、時間及地點領取號碼布、計時晶片及跑手包等物品。沒有號碼布的參賽者將不能參加比賽。 |
RACE DAY 比賽當日 |
What time does the race start? The exact race day schedule will be confirmed in early March 2020. The race is expected to start early in morning and finish by late morning. |
比賽何時開始? 賽事日程將於三月初公佈。比賽將於早上舉行。 |
When should I arrive? Please ensure that you arrive at least 45 minutes before your scheduled start time. |
我該什麼時間到達? 請於指定起跑時間前最少45分鐘到達會場。 |
Where can I find the course map? Click here. |
在哪裡可以找到賽道圖? 按此查看。 |
Will there be a Bag Deposit service on Race Day? Yes,bag deposit will be available to all runners. Runners are encouraged to arrive early to deposit their bags and avoid any delay as a queue is expected. While maximum care and security will be enforced, the Race Organiser will not be responsible for any loss or damaged items. Participants who choose to use this service may do so at their own risk. |
大會有提供行李寄存服務嗎? 大會會為參賽者提供行李寄存服務。大會建議參賽者提前到達以避免任何不必要的廷遲,同時建議不要攜帶任何貴重物品到現場。若你需要寄存行李,大會將不會就寄存物中任何財物及物品之遺失或損壞負責。 |
Can I run with headphones? Yes. It is recommended that athletes keep only one earbud in to be able to hear directions from race officials or emergency vehicles. |
比賽過程中可以攜帶耳機嗎? 可以。唯大會建議參賽者只戴上一邊耳筒,以便能夠聽到工作人員或緊急車輛的指示。 |
Where do I place my Race Bib? Your race bib should be properly secured using safety pins and must be displayed on your front throughout the race. |
比賽號碼布佩戴在哪裡? 參賽者必須將號碼布用扣針佩戴在胸前易見位置,以便工作人員辨認。 |
Will there be water available? Yes, there will be water available for participants at start/finish area and the mid-way point for the 10KM and 5KM races. |
比賽中會有水提供嗎? 參賽者可在比賽起點、終點及10公里和5公里賽事折返點領取大會提供的飲用水。 |
Will you have a Lost & Found in case I lose something on race day? Yes, the Lost & Found will be at the Info Desk for items that are missing on race day. |
失物認領處於那裏? 請前往咨詢處查詢有關所有失物認領。 |
Can my family and friends watch me race? Yes, spectators will be allowed to attend the Race Village and watch the start and finish. |
親友可以觀看比賽嗎? 親友可參與選手村活動,並可前往起點或終點觀看比賽。 |
When is the Awards Ceremony held?
Who receives awards?
Will my ranking be based on Gun or Chip time? Rankings will be determined by who crosses the finish line first, thus overall and age category results are based on Gun Time. Gun Time is based on the time from when the gun goes off to the time the participant crosses the finish line. Every participant who starts in the same wave is assigned the same Gun Time. |
我的名次是由槍聲時間或是晶片時間計算? 排名由跑手越過終點線決定,因此整體的結果是基於槍聲時間。槍聲時間是基於從信號槍發槍到跑手穿過終點線的時間。跑手在同一組別的開始時間是相同。 |
Where can I find race photos? Race photos will be available soon after race day on Sporting Republic’s Facebook page. |
哪裡可找到比賽的照片? 將在比賽結束後不久上傳。最新更新將在 Sporting Republic 的Facebook頁面上公佈。 |