About the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
The Hong Kong AIDS Foundation (The Foundation) was established in 1991 and is a non-governmental social service organization. The Foundation’s mission is to limit the spread of HIV infection in the community. Throughout the years, the Foundation has been actively engaged in the promotion of AIDS education and the provision of services for people living with HIV. Not only to raise public awareness of HIV/AIDS, but the Foundation is determined to promote the knowledge of this disease, safe sex education as well as HIV/AIDS prevention, in a bid to foster social inclusion and community engagement.
If you would like to make an appointment for a private and free HIV test to learn more about your health status, please call our AIDS Helpline at 2513 0513. Or for more details about our work, please visit http://www.aids.org.hk.
香港愛滋病基金會於1991年成立,以遏止愛滋病的蔓延為宗旨。一直以來,本會積極推行愛滋病預防教育、為受愛滋病病毒感染或影響的人士提供所需服務;及為大眾提供正確的愛滋病知識、性知識及預防方法等,旨在消除歧視,讓所有人正確認識HIV/AIDS議題,締造共融及彼此接納的社會。如想進行個人的HIV測試,可致電熱線2513 0513進行預約。過程、結果絕對保密及完全免費;亦可瀏覽本會網頁http://www.aids.org.hk獲取更多資訊。